Drone Mapping
Envico offers a full mapping service for our clients. Whether it's survey grade centimeter accurate photogrammetry mapping with ground control or simple cost-efficient aerial imagery, we can provide a solution to fit any requirement.
Our drones are pre-programmed or fully autonomous enabling safe and accurate flight patterns. Depending on each flight, we have a choice of using multicopter drones for smaller projects, or fixed wing drones to cover larger areas quicker.
Envico can provide aerial mapping in the requested projection coordinate system and with a variety of deliverables, including:
2D Orthomosaics
Elevation Models
Digital Terrain Models
3D Models
For survey grade results, with both high relative accuracy and absolute accuracy, the maps can be tied to ground control points with RTK GNSS equipment using rover/base station setups.
We are Part 102 certified in New Zealand and comprehensively insured for both hull and third party liability.
If you would like to ask us about our mapping service, please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs.